dream with Flora
Dream with Me

Template were made by flwsdaisy. Image was taken from transparent and tutorial from wanaseoby.xoxo
Oh, my darling, what if you fly?
2015. március 26. | 3/26/2015 | 0Comment

First of all I want to calm all those people who have read my previous post & happened to worry for me. It's okay guys, I'm building up myself again. ^_^

I really don't like sitting calmly, like I can't do anything, if something bad happens. So I talked to my friend - which helps you a LOT in crisis, so don't hesitate to share your problems with the person/people who are the closest to your heart. My friend told me to start looking for a job in a coffee shop - it seems so idyllic to work there (plus they like to employ university students).

  I think I always imagined myself like that - even when I came to Budapest for the first time. For some reason I didn't gave much time for this idea nor looked places like that up on the net. However this time I happened to search a little more about it. And guess what?!

I found an ad where they were looking for baristas. What's more it's no other café than Starbucks. Since I didn't have anything to loose I sent in my CV (that was the first time I had to write a CV btw) and hoped. I told myself to be patient, it may take some time for them (like a week or so) to call me but for my biggest surprise the girl called me a couple hours later. We agreed that I go in for an interview on a Friday. D-day came, I went, done the interview and that was it. The girl told me it will take some weeks to get a call from the company.

Weeks passed- no call. Also, I don't know why but as soon as I stepped out from the building I felt like I lost this match. That's why I decided to go to my current workplace's office and ask for a job. So I went to Széchenyi Bath last weekend - thank God I did! It was world water day on the 22nd so the pool had a variety of programs. Therefore I had the chance to get the BEST hand massage of my life.

2 days later my phone rang, with the girl's name on the screen. I totally thought she called me because she wanted to know if the company has called me back - nope. She told me that the company will hold a group interview on 3rd April and they are expecting me to go as well. First: I couldn't believe they called me back, second: what the heck will I have to do? I'm really excited at the same  time scared, since this will be my first official interview. And Starbucks won't apply just anyone.

At this point I really think it comes down to my horrible self esteem. I have never been praised for any kind of skills in my life (well apart from english but that in itself is not much...). I think if I would be hired I could show that I am capable of doing things that are a bit more complicated. Also it would really make me get my ish together, since I happen to be so ditzy it's crazy.

The main point of my story is: even if you feel like shit turned real you CAN do something against it in most cases. Just put some effort and go for it. You don't have much to loose and what if it'll be one of the greatest experiences of your life? Give it a chance. Don't be afraid to fall.
                                                                 Let yourself fly.