dream with Flora
Dream with Me

Template were made by flwsdaisy. Image was taken from transparent and tutorial from wanaseoby.xoxo
to deserve (v)
2015. március 4. | 3/04/2015 | 0Comment

meaning: Do something or have or show qualities worthy of

Well... am i worthy enough? do i have such qualities? do i deserve anything that i have?

Life gives you tough lessons guys, but at this point i don't know... how can i still be alive? why am i alive? i see no point in doing this whole thing.

My biggest fear is becoming a burden for people. To have them struggle because of me. Because I am such an idiot i keep missing chances that could help. Wouldn't it be easier if i wouldn't exist?

They have no use of me. Because look at me. This shitty, worthless creature. What can I do?

These times i often think about the people who would be 10000 times worthier to live but they pass away. Why is God keeping me alive?

i feel like i keep on failing. Where does this kind of life lead? (if it leads anywhere...)

I wish i could lessen their problems but i'm just making thing worse.

i'm not learning any of the mistakes i've committed.

On the other hand, now I know why i don't want kids. i wouldn't want anybody to turn out like me. to be someone who has huge gifts and a great life all in all but just can't see it because of greediness. i always wanted more.

Whereas they are working extra hard to keep me alive. to educate me.

but educate what? i clearly don't have the brain for it. such a disappointment.

They don't deserve it. me. What did they do wrong to have a child like me?

or...did i save a country in my previous life to get this life?

For how long will i be able to continue doing this?

Better times will come, right?

It will worth it, right?

"I want to be so successful that one day my parents never have to buy a thing for themselves again."